Gwendolyn Carey

Gwendolyn Carey, Ed.D. is an Instructor in the Department of Special Education and Associate Director of FAU’s Academy for Community Inclusion which is a state-of-the-art program for adults with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). Dr. Carey’s previous experience includes over 20 years teaching students with various exceptionalities from birth to 22 at Easter Seals, Arc and the School District of Palm Beach County. She earned her Doctor of Education in Exceptional Student Education from Florida Atlantic University (FAU).

Dr. Carey’s expertise is in the areas of intellectual disability (ID), self-determination, transition, and Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE). Her research interests revolve around the impact of inclusion in higher education not only for individuals with ID, but also for other members of the campus community. Dr. Carey serves at the Vice-Chair of Research for the Southeastern Postsecondary Education Alliance (SEPSEA) which provides support to IPSEs across the region.

Key Words: Intellectual Disability, Transition, Post-Secondary Education, Inclusive Postsecondary Education, Mentoring, Self-Determination

Gwendolyn Carey

Gwendolyn Carey

Department of Special Education

Office Location: EC MC12 - 202E
Campus: Jupiter