Office for Academic and Student Services

Advising Notice

Until March 21st, the College of Education will be working with standard Navigate appointments.

Starting March 24th through March 28th the College of Education will be working with:

After March 28th, the College of Education will be working with standard Navigate appointments.

Students can always call (561) 297-3570 or reach out to and we will direct them to a time and venue through which they will get assistance.

Student Advising

Formal Programming Process for Undergraduates

To stay on track in their program, all undergraduate students must meet all lower division requirements and formal admissions requirements as follows:

Elementary, Exceptional, and Secondary Education

  • 60 Credit hours with a cumulative 2.5 GPA
  • Pass all sections of the General Knowledge Test and submit official passing score report to OASS

Early Care and Education

  • 60 Credit hours with a cumulative 2.5 GPA